Reserve a Space

Roommate Pairings

Summer Housing residents can request to live with one another by forming roommate pairings on the Housing Portal.

Note that short-stay residents like NYU High School Program and Conference Group participants are ineligible to form roommate pairings on the housing portal.

Creating a Pairing

  1. On the Roommate Pairs page of the NYU Housing Portal, a registrant can create a new roommate pair using the “Create Pair” button in the lower left corner. On the following page, they will create a Roommate Pairing name and password, which they should share with their prospective roommate. The person who creates the name and password for the pairing is considered the Group Leader.
  2. The second member should click the "Join Pair" button in the lower right corner of the Roommate Pairs page. They should provide the name and password of the roommate pairing when prompted. Upon submission, an automated email will be sent to the Group Leader, notifying them that another person has joined their pair and must be verified.
  3. The Group Leader must access the Roommate Pairs page of the NYU Housing Portal to approve any new requests to join the roommate pair, and to submit the roommate pair to be verified by NYU. Only verified roommate pairs will be considered during the room assignment process.

Pairing Requirements

Roommate pairings can be formed between two registrants with the same:

  • Residence hall selection
  • Room type selection (shared or single*)
  • Housing gender (female, male, or gender neutral) - residents of different legal sexes can form roommate pairings by both selecting gender neutral housing opens in a new window, but please note that this option should only be selected by residents comfortable with unknown additional roommates and suitemates of any legal sex
  • Summer Housing Group, if applicable

*Suites with multiple single-occupant bedrooms do not exist in Carlyle Hall, so people who reserve single rooms in Carlyle will not be able to form roommate pairings.

Can't form your pair?

Make sure you and your roommate:

  • Meet all the criteria above
  • Have not already joined a different roommate pairing
  • Do not see a specific room number listed on the registration status page. If you have already been assigned a room number, you have already been assigned roommates, so you would no longer have access to the Roommate Pairs page of the housing application. Instead, you may request a change to a friend's suite using the reservation change request form. To ensure roommate requests are mutual, NYU only considers requests submitted by all/both prospective roommates.

You will also not be able to form roommate pairings for suite configurations that do not exist in your building. For example, two people who reserved singles in Carlyle Court will not be able to form a roommate pairing because there are no suites with multiple single bedrooms in Carlyle Court.

Merge Roommate Pairs

Only roommate pair leaders of approved pairs with two members or less are allowed to request a merge. Merged pairs are only available in certain buildings.

  1. On the Merge Roommate Pairs page of the NYU Housing Portal, a registrant can merge roommate pairs. At least one group leader must update their pair to be "searchable". This can be done by clicking the "Update Pair Details" button on the bottom of the page and checking the "Let other people search for this pair?" box.
  2. Once a pair is searchable, they will appear on the roommate pair search page. To search a pair, click on the "Search For Roommate Pair" link. You may enter the roommate pair name or the name of the group leader to locate the pair.
  3. To merge pairs, search for and locate the desired pair and click "Merge Pair".

Contacting your Roommates

Once you have been assigned to a specific room space (typically a few weeks before your reservation begins), you will be able to see your assigned roommate and suitemate information on the registration status page of the NYU Housing Portal. You are welcome to reach out to your roommates and suitemates ahead of arrival. Messages received by non-NYU students at their NYU email addresses will automatically forward to their personal email addresses.

Roommate Relations

To ensure the success of your roommate experience, NYU encourages incoming residents to review our Roommate Relations Guide opens in a new window.